Heizei-gojo (a term composed of four kanji characters representing an essential doctrine of Jodo Shi (平生業成)

"Heizei-gojo" is a Buddhist term of Jodo Shinshu Buddhism (the True Pure Land Buddhism,) which means that any person must complete preparation for rebirth in heaven while he is still alive. This term is composed of four kanji (Chinese characters) representing the essential doctrine of Jodo Shinshu founded by a priest, Shinran.

Sometimes, however, the term 'Heizei Gojo' is mistakenly used to imply ordinary behaviors of any person.

The doctrine of Jodo Shinshu is often misunderstood that any person may go to gokuraku (the Buddhist paradise) after his death only if he repeats recitation of nenbutsu (the Buddhist invocation) while he is alive. But the doctrine implies that any person may be rescued right now while he lives, as the term "Heizei-gojo" explains.

The characters of 'Heizei Gojo' appear in "Shoshinge Taii" ("Summary of the Shoshinge Sutra") and "Ofumi" ("letters") both written by Rennyo (a priest of the Jodo Shinshu school).

[Original Japanese]